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our pastoR

Rev. John Vidal
Senior Pastor

Methodism in Wind gap dates from the incorporation of the First Methodist Church on September 3,1902.
Before that time a group of Evangelicals erected a church in Wind Gap at the cost of $2500 in 1893. Because of some difference of opinions and the inability to pay bills, the United Evangelical Church decided to abandon the building in 1901.
At about this time a small group of Methodists lead by Charles A Daniels desired for themselves and those who should follow a house of worship. It was their foresight that resulted in the formation of the present congregation. Permission was obtained to use the building for a limited time in order that the strength of the movement might prove itself in time. Since no Preacher was appointed, local preachers and clergy supplied the pulpit. These men often came on foot to preach in the enthusiastic manner of the day. The tentative understanding under which the was started almost resulted in its failure to continue. Negotiations were being made for the building but the prospects of closing a deal were not bright. The faithful band prayed, and God answered. On June 8, 1902 Walter L Moore was appointed as the pastor of the Belfast and Wind Gap Methodist Churches. With the establishment of service, the success of the venture was assured, and a ministry to Methodist families in the area, and the start of Methodism in Wind Gap.
On September 3, 1902 Charles A Daniels, Milton Hahn, James Kostenbader and Joseph Titus entered into an agreement to purchase the building. This brought an answer to prayer for a house of worship. The Original membership of the church consisted of nine members for the struggling church. The articles of incorporation were drawn up that day. Since then, the church has operated under its original charter with two exceptions: the word Episcopal was dropped from the name following the action of the General Conference in 1940 and, secondly the Methodist Church merged with the Evangelical United Brethren Church in 1968 to form the United Methodist Church.
On May 1, 1903, the individuals holding the church deeded it over to the Methodist Episcopal Conference. On May 3, 1903 the Epworth League (later known as the Youth Fellowship) was formed to minister to young people. Today with our Association with Covenant United Methodist church Youth group meets there. On July 28, 1903, the Ladies Aid Society (later known as United Methodist Women) came into being and was an important and vital ministry until the 1970’s. Around 1905 Ed Shover was the first choir director and Grace (Albert) Harding was the substitute pianist. The church was well known for its revival meetings during the fall season. The revivals were led by traveling evangelist(s), who usually held the meetings nightly for three weeks.
In 1915, the sanctuary was remodeled, and the entire church was given a facelift through interior and exterior painting for a total cost of $3500. In June 1926 the Hamilton Bible Class was formed after Rev. George Hamilton died while serving the church.
When the church had financial problems in the 1920's and 1930's the Ladies Aid Society and other members of the church were instrumental in keeping the Methodist movement alive in Wind Gap by making pasties and baking doughnuts to sell in the community in order to balance the budget of 947.00 a year. During that year the Belfast and Wind Gap churches together gave 390.00 to foreign and home missions.
In 1961 the parsonage was purchased for $10,500. In the 1970's inside renovations to the church were completed with the partitioning of the back rooms and new carpeting and pews.